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Tuesday, September 18, 2012


I went on a limb and took some creation license on this one. First, I have an abstract, but the directions clearly state to describe my plan for socio-technical innovation in a fictional or real company

I assure you all that this is a very real company, I paid for the company to be licensed as an LLC and paid for with my own money all of the modules and apps that are included in this most innovative REAL company.

Without question, we currently stand on the advent of a new type of marketing. It works off of the permission based marketing that was coined in 1999 by Seth Godin. However, the technology that has come into usage today is at a minimum, remarkable.
This research intends on analyzing several facets of a business new to social media marketing. First, utilizing Google analytics, we will examine the traffic, “likes”, “followers” unique visitors to the web site or web store that we design, Facebook, Twitter, LinkeIn, Pinterest, Foursquare, MySpace as well as other smaller social media platforms. We will then analyze the actual amount of foot traffic that comes into the store, the amount of new referrals to the store and the amount of increased revenue that can be immediately connected to the campaign.
This paper will then research permission marketing email campaigns with coupons similar to what Groupon advertises. The research will cover in-depth the results of the permission based marketing campaign.
By adding an online scheduling application to a Facebook page, a business can accept reservations for appointments, at a certain time and with a certain service provider within the business. They then can only reserve that time by placing a major credit card into the site, secured by PayPal. The amount of appointments that are then kept will be compared to the amount of appointments not kept prior to this campaign.
There will be a total of over 100 different analytical observations of various aspects of the success, or failure of the social media marketing campaign.

Finally, my project that took well over 80 hours of R&D, creation and innovation can be found at


Depew agora
by Christopher Depew - Monday, 13 August 2012, 02:54 PM
My innovation is in the mobile market, specifically tablets penetrating into a new demography.

Demography is, indeed, destiny. The tablet is strongly becoming the alternative to every portable device, especially among seniors. Will there be more companies introducing new models at a deeper discount? Probably. Will the demographics expand to include the older crowd, definitely.
The world — particularly the countries of the organization for co-operation and development — is growing older. This creates enormous fiscal strains for social welfare states but fantastic market opportunities for device-driven innovators. Mobile phones are too small; their screens too tiny and keyboards too minute. But tablets have emerged as ideal media platforms for those requiring larger fonts and bigger keys. The iPad — originally marketed as the hip & cool media consumption device — has ceased to be a symbol of youth and vitality. It's now how silver haired executives — and 75 year old grandmas — read the news, manage their email and play games with the kids. When this reality is linked to emerging medical research indicating that mental exercise can delay the onset and impact of cognitive diminution, it's clear that there are more reasons for the aged population to have tablets than not. Any company with older customers that doesn't customize apps and offerings for their 60+ users are guilty of brand-destructive age discrimination.(corporate 2012)

“The SDP dialogue takes this innovation and clearly defines the situation and steps needs to fully engage the group into an action plan that generates a clear end. In this manner, step-by-step, SDP dialogue progressively clarifies the situation and opens the way to greatly enhanced decision-making and action planning. In addition it:
• Authenticates every stakeholder/participant;
• Elicits ideas and points of view from all stakeholders;”
• Moves toward effective and meaningful consensus;
• Elicits and deals with the different priorities of stakeholder/participants;
• Equalizes power relations among the stakeholders; and
• Goes beyond identifying factors that are important, to specifying those that are most influential in addressing the social system-designing situation” (Christakis 2006)


Christakis, A. (2006). "How people harness their collective wisdom and power." from

corporate (2012). "OECD." 2012, from

Delphi vs. NGT

The primary difference between the Delphi method and the modified nominal group technique is in the anonymity of the Delphi method vs. the group consensus of the modified nominal group technique. Whereas both are listed as iterative processes that seek out methods to solve phenomena, the modified nominal group technique utilizes learner surveys and focus groups.

In the Delphi Method, “It is appropriate for researching complex issues where larger scale quantitative "hard data" fails to unearth richness in tacit knowledge to help the research understand subtle expert opinion. It does not offer the rigor of clinical testing or quantitative analysis, but it provides a scientific methodology that is well suited to issues that require the insights of subject matter experts.”(Thomas 2009)

According to Kuo-Hung, a nominal group technique (NGT) can be used for knowledge transfer and internalization of knowledge in the consensus building process if an information platform was successfully designed and tested. (Kuo-Hung, Shi-Jer et al. 2006)

I believe that my position would be to utilize the Delphi closed collaboration research method for the simple reason that my innovation is simply that, mine. I would seek out the data needed to prove my phenomenon and open collaboration would not be needed.


Kuo-Hung, T., L. Shi-Jer, et al. (2006). "Using Online Nominal Group Technique to Implement Knowledge Transfer." Journal of Engineering Education 95(4): 335-345.

Thomas, G. (2009). "The Delphi technique: a method for testing complex and multifaceted topics." International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 2(1): 112-130.


Was the message delivered about mountain bikes? Well, yes and no. It was about creative innovation, specifically every other invention that spawned from the Internet and modern technology. 

Sure, Leadbeater spoke about mountain bikes and how they were created as an industry by the users of bikes. 

He spoke about innovations such as telephony, how people work in organizations to be organized, but more importantly how large corporations reinvent past success.

I believe it was a presentation on common sense. It almost seemed eerily like a Seinfeld episode where it is a show about just existing. 

Therefore, I am strangely empty my comments of this presentation other than it just makes sense. - Chris.


The primary difference between the Delphi method and the modified nominal group technique is in the anonymity of the Delphi method vs. the group consensus of the modified nominal group technique. Whereas both are listed as iterative processes that seek out methods to solve phenomena, the modified nominal group technique utilizes learner surveys and focus groups.

In the Delphi Method, “It is appropriate for researching complex issues where larger scale quantitative "hard data" fails to unearth richness in tacit knowledge to help the research understand subtle expert opinion. It does not offer the rigor of clinical testing or quantitative analysis, but it provides a scientific methodology that is well suited to issues that require the insights of subject matter experts.”(Thomas 2009)

According to Kuo-Hung, a nominal group technique (NGT) can be used for knowledge transfer and internalization of knowledge in the consensus building process if an information platform was successfully designed and tested. (Kuo-Hung, Shi-Jer et al. 2006)

I believe that my position would be to utilize the Delphi closed collaboration research method for the simple reason that my innovation is simply that, mine. I would seek out the data needed to prove my phenomenon and open collaboration would not be needed.


Kuo-Hung, T., L. Shi-Jer, et al. (2006). "Using Online Nominal Group Technique to Implement Knowledge Transfer." Journal of Engineering Education 95(4): 335-345.

Thomas, G. (2009). "The Delphi technique: a method for testing complex and multifaceted topics." International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 2(1): 112-130.

Depew innovation

Although it is difficult to think of anything that is not possible today, I imagine plausible would be a better term to utilize the onset of a tablet with a larger harddrive and a qwerty pull out keyboard.

Reading on a smartphone is very difficult for many, especially our elderly.

The tablet is strongly becoming the alternative to every portable device, especially among seniors. Will there be more companies introducing new models at a deeper discount? Probably. Will the demographics expand to include the older crowd, definitely.

Do we need to add more companies? Well, that's like asking that if we have a Facebook account, do we need a Twitter account as well. The answer I give to all of my clients is simple. Yes. No. Well, Maybe. Additional operating systems challenge the current OS. Additional chips challenge the current chips. Do we need a Kindle when we have an iPAD? The newer models will provide the combination of what the above have, but supply will meet demand and with the increased demographics, there will definitely be more demand.